Hi again. I think you'll find that commercial companies go with the flow. They look for good PR and profit, so if the groundswell is strong enough for all to increase their end price in unison they'll all receive greater profit. Business has always been good at diversity and innovation.
It's not just the "blogosphere", the last two reviewed papers I read were absolute faff and it all came down to one incorrect assumption.
We humans have left an AGW signature ever since we lit fires for warmth and cooking. We increased our signature when we started farming and increased it again when we started moving our produce over increasing distances. Of course we make a difference, but for now I'll have to leave it to destiny for the answer to my own eventual fate.
This isn't what I implied. Old ice contains inclusions of soot and dust from the atmosphere and tiny dead fauna and flora which has slowly altered its albedo over the years, but new ice is clean and doesn't attract so much insolation. I think you'll find that Arctic ice melt is cyclic due to this.
Sorry for the compressed post style. BTW, did your House Martins come back this year?
No need for dust:
No comparison. It's a lot easier to model a phenomenon than it is to model a climate. I'd be more interested in why the Southern Oscillation (SO) exists than just using its index (SOI) to replicate another phenomenon.
I guess this is just because of a question I've asked myself for as long as I can remember. Why?
Best regards, suricat.