I've got to the stage now where there are so many cycles interacting with each other i'm not even convinced that the effect of any one can be identified in the global temperature record (even if it were reasonably accurate).
Following a couple of rants on the C4 site on this very subject, I can only concur SoM!
That's why I proposed the tropo column WV and water content as a metric for climate (with an elastic altitude for the tropopause).
It may help Svensmark draw some empirical conclusions about cosmic ray efects.
Let's hope so. Though I think that his expected effect is restricted to regions of WV saturation. Thus, mostly nocturnal effect.
There was a nice article on WUWT today which just about sums up the impact side of things as we've often discussed.
To be honest, I can't recollect any of our discussions on "impact". Perhaps this is because I don't consider the result of "impact" to be beyond our ability to "respond" in all but the most unlikely circumstance.
It makes me think more and more that the science and models is a sideshow to distract from solid, realistic planning vs artificial panic considerstions.
I particularly the perspective created by this quote from the essay.
I'm all for it. China has been castigated for its action to limit population growth, but China is really the first to recognise the real problem and make some attempt to deal with it. I know this sounds callous, but at least China has evoked an honest policy (albeit a callous one) (but this is politics, not science).
Personally, I think that "education of the masses" on the subject of "over population" is more humanitarian, as it allows for personal preference and comes up with roughly the same population reduction as "The China Model" in the final equation.
But of course "science and models is a sideshow"! Just like we engineers find, no government can allow a "mad scientist" (modeller, or engineer) to control "POLICY"!
Best regards, suricat.