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Reply to "More Empirical falsifications of Anthropic Global Warming"

What are your thoughts SoM (either on solar activity, or NASA policy)?

I've got to the stage now where there are so many cycles interacting with each other i'm not even convinced that the effect of any one can be identified in the global temperature record (even if it were reasonably accurate).

It may help Svensmark draw some empirical conclusions about cosmic ray efects.

There was a nice article on WUWT today which just about sums up the impact side of things as we've often discussed.

It makes me think more and more that the science and models is a sideshow to distract from solid, realistic planning vs artificial panic considerstions.

I particularly the perspective created by this quote from the essay.

""Consider that the global population increased from 2.5 billion in 1950 to 6.8 billion this year. Among other things, this meant creating the infrastructure for an extra 4.3 billion people in the intervening 59 years (as well as improving the infrastructure for the 2.5 billion counted in the baseline, many of whom barely had any infrastructure whatsoever in 1950). These improvements occurred at a time when everyone was significantly poorer. (Global per capita income today is more than 3.5 times greater today than it was in 1950). Therefore, while relocation will be costly, in theory, tomorrow’s much wealthier world ought to be able to relocate billions of people to higher ground over the next few centuries, if need be.""