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Reply to "More Empirical falsifications of Anthropic Global Warming"

Son of Mulder.


Hopefully there will be greater clarity on what causes the drift between the satellite record and the terrestrial record.

A very good point SoM. The most obvious causal factor is that the surface record (terrestrial) for atmospheric temps is observed at the surface, but the nearest satellite record for surface atmospheric temps is in the low troposphere. However, there are also anomalies that the satellites observe which remain unobserved by the sensing equipment on the surface:
These spurious anomalies need to be recognised, accepted for their validity to temps and should be properly classified in the temperature record (or should that be the entropy record?).

It should be noted that, in accordance with convention, X-rays (even "soft" X-rays, or "short" UV) don't make it through the atmosphere to the surface. However, satellite observations prove otherwise!

So, what does this say about "convention"? Wink

It's way past my bedtime so I've got to go now. Sleepy

Best regards, suricat.