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Reply to "More Empirical falsifications of Anthropic Global Warming"

Son of Mulder.


Suricat, here's a bit more empirical falsification to follow. It looks like the sacred mantra that relative humidity is constant may have been observed not to be correct see this.

As I've already said, this subject has been done to death on the CA forum and continues to be discussed elsewhere. However, the CA discussion died with many issues not discussed, so I weighed in (probably a bit heavy) to promote discourse and I'm glad I did because the science is now looking more towards the inclusion of an Earth model en mass, other than a purely representational radiative model.

With regard to the RH graph in your link, please realise that the temperature reference is missing!

When temperature increases with the SH (specific humidity) limited by available atmospheric water at that altitude the RH will always reduce! Please note that the average global near surface RH (where water is nearly always available) remains at a near constant, yet the 700 milli bar level (fairly close to surface) is falsely reducing in that graph! IMHO, this 700 Mb RH state reflects/indicates either "surface cooling/reducing insolation", or "atmospheric warming with WV permitted to rise at a greater velocity" (reduced diurnal impact). The latter would be concomitant with an increase in CO2. However, climate is realised at about 1,000 Mb, which is where we live!

So, not much change here. Eh? There is a difference between "climate science" (where we live) and "atmospheric science" (where we sometimes "fly" [if we're lucky enough to do so]). Big Grin

Best regards, suricat.