Your link is to a presentation/explanation by Miklós Zágoni on Ferenc Miskolczi's theory, who's theory and papers have been discussed to death in the Climate Audit forum on the "Miscolczi" thread there.
(28 pages).
The theory also featured on the Jennifer Marohasy blog recently.
Ah, following this visit I see there is a new entry that includes Miskolczi. Jen seems to like this subject!
You may need to move to the top of the page from these links as they copy the "read more" URL on the main blog.
Steve_M had a problem with equation (7) on Miskolczi's main paper, but this 2:1 ratio (2/3) has since been shown by other means and in other papers. It seems to work!
The most beautiful thing about Miskolczi theory for me is that it underpins the "atmospheric window" principle that we engineers like to use. More than this, it's detailed as "radiative theory". Could this be a "bridge" between disciplines!
From my last link to Jennifer's blog, ask yourself! Does Gaia provide a stable environment for Darwinian development, or dose Darwinian development provide stability to Gaia?
Personally, I don't think Darwinian development is possible without given stable parameters for it to develop into. Surely this must make chemistry the priority before biology can gain a foothold (I've avoided Darwin stuff before now as I'm crap on biology)?
Best regards, suricat.