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Reply to "More Empirical falsifications of Anthropic Global Warming"

Son of Mulder.


I got he impression that the analysis is after the problems were fixed

Quite plausible and I can only concur with the first post of 192. Though some of this effect may be due to weak solar influence.

This is dismissed in in the Deep Ocean Heat section here

I'm not so confident of that. Especially when the Thermohaline Circulation is being called into question;
Though I think MOC is safe for now. Anyway, I don't like straight line graphs. They just look so 'modelled'.

Do you remember our long, drawn out, discussion on the origin of climate cells, where we agreed to disagree? I think the climate fraternity are beginning to realise the importance of Earth rotation and the "turbine effect" that I spoke of. Earth is still 'spinning down' from its encounter with Thea and this forces our Moon into a higher orbit, thanks to the water on Earth's surface. It's also slowing Earth's rotation, we've even added a second to our clocks last New Years Eve because of it (though this is only a tele-connected event).

Best regards, suricat.