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Reply to "More Empirical falsifications of Anthropic Global Warming"

Son of Mulder.


You've not been paying attention ... see my post in this thread Posted 05 May 2009 10:23 PM.

I am! It wasn't discussed. The link on Jennifer's site just reminded me.

It certainly would have supported my case against Steve but he'd have claimed it is an unacceptable measurement for some reason... we need Steve_M for that.

Yes, I think he came up with software problems, but did admit that he didn't know where the heat had gone. Do you know if they've patched ARGOS in retrospect yet?
The last link in "What's Hot" tells of ARGOS 3. Much faster up-link with data verification checksum, downlink for 2 way communication with sensor unit reprogramming option and smaller sensor units (all with backwards compatibility for ARGOS 2 & ARGOS 1).

I found a good reference site for mixed data too;
It also links to many sources.

I think one of the main things to keep in mind with ocean heat is to remember that a volume of ocean that becomes mixed to twice the expected depth, shows a temperature that is only the average between the original two depth averages, but no heat is lost! Is this an ocean current thing.

Best regards, suricat.