Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean that it therefore has to be wrong!
This is a "misquote" Luci because I do have an understanding of it, but the outcome isn't what was stated! A solely radiative Earth model can't model all the entropy/enthalpy processes that are involved. There aren't enough degrees of freedom covered by radiation alone!
No, a radiative Earth model doesn't explain it all, as shown by the comments on the G&T paper. Earth systems models are necessarily very complicated, but that does not preclude the use of simpler analogous models to explain the main principles to lay persons.
Aye, the explanation to "the masses"! All I can say on this is "shut the f*** *p until you have a 100% analogy" for "the masses"!!! I think an introduction into the real world of 'educated analysis' is better than 'indoctrination'.
Sorry SoM, this is a bit OT. However, I think it's also indicative of where the truth is.
Best regards, suricat.