Falsification of greenhouse effect
I hope you guys realise that we do actually have scientists working on this, and that you don't need to become an expert in this field to unravel it!
I saw The Age of Stupid this weekend, and I have to say that although it was OK, I don't recommend that you see it if you are a skeptic, coz you'll probably pick as many holes as I did!
However, it did strike me that we have a sense of unreality about the whole thing - indeed about our future in general. We are incapable of imagining what will happen to us until it happens, and although our ability to react to situations in the past has saved us, I don't think it necessarily can do so all the time.
If we wait until 2015 to "settle the science", it will be too late. And what's the betting that someone will suggest that maybe we should wait until 2025... and 2035.... and 2045.... just to make sure?
We have enough evidence to do something now. We have never been so lucky in the past. To ignore that in favour of "waiting to see what happens" is pure stupidity in relation to the risks involved.
Carry on trying to disprove basic laws of physics if you like, but I suggest that your time might be better spent doing something else!