Another excellent post. ((edit) corrected spelling [because this plays havoc with my spell check when I quote with typos])
Yea! I thought it was pretty good too.
We discussed the Miskolczi stuff with Steve_M last year I seem to remember. He didn't like the Kirchoff bit from what I recall.
Yes and I'd have agreed with Steve for desert, rocks and concrete, but rain-forest is mushy and ocean is downright spongy on wide spectrum 'Kirchoff' albedo so I didn't feel confident to 'engage' in this when more than 70% of the planet is water and there're still a lot of forests. There are more degrees of freedom involved that include M's theory here, but as has already been said, he seems quite cavalier in attitude and quiet on communications (makes me think he has a good manager).
I think the Venus stuff in the comments section is a red herring as it doesn't have oceans and rain to my knowledge as it's too close to the sun.
I think the Venus stuff is posted by astronomers looking for a universal climate template (or posters looking for full universality of the application).
I've read somewhere that Venus does have rain, but it doesn't achieve planet-fall and it isn't just water, it's sulphuric acid!

I shall be breaking out my old book on Entropy Theory to refresh my knowledge and to try and understand more of the details of Miskolczi's work....don't hold your breath.
I won't because they are probably outdated and anything I've googled so far is behind a money wall, but I did find this:
Though I don't think it's appropriate!
As an aside, I found an interesting possible wager that by 2015 we should be able to determine whether AGW is real see this.
I'm not a betting man but there could be some egg on face come 2015 for some.
Ha! Yes, on the UK Gov taxes as well (not to mention carbon certificates)! Though I believe that moderation of energy use is wise in any case.
Best regards, suricat.