I'm a great believer that all physical action can be formulated as least action principles like in lagrangian and hamiltoniam formulation of classical mechanics.
When I were a lad, my maths teacher insisted that equations were accompanied with a "given" list that explained all the detail of the data and functions applied to it. The emergence of quantum and relativistic math from their classical root currently seems to ignore this discipline of "full disclosure".
The "least action principle" of micro math can be identified as the "path of least resistance" of macro math, but sometimes these are incompatible because the micro math can easily be the inverse of the macro math without full disclosure of this. I find this confusing, to say the least.
As to whether "Entropy Production of Atmospheric Heat Transport" is such an action to be maximised will be an interesting area to follow as it may well have an impact on GCM formulation.
I concur. MEP is a "brand" that seems to walk a median line between macro and micro theory.
That's possible because when dealing with least action your're dealing with an integrated function and it is only when you differentiate it that the physics you are used to appears.
This is my whole point. Micro math doesn't leave the 'paper trail' that most individuals need to follow for their acceptance of the math! Surely the accountability of micro math needs improvement?
Best regards, suricat.