quote:I have a pdf Falsication Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics and its been through the peer review doodah!
Another goody Mufc. Have you discovered a Pandoras box since leaving C4. I particularly like 4.3 Science and Global Climate Modelling, starting on page 88 and the Physicists Summary on page 92.
Steve_M is a physicist whereas I'm a lapsed applied mathematician who specialised in theoretical physics, so his comments would be of interesting to me. I suspect he is lost to us now and I don't hold out Suricat's optimism that he will reappear.
quote:With all due respect SoM, we've already been through these principles. How do you regard the MEP (maximum entropy production) principle? Here's a link to an important paper that describes this (basically) for climate cells.
I came across it as I was looking for something to kickstart discussion here as we have lost our vast repository of threads from C4 days.
As for "How do you regard the MEP (maximum entropy production) principle?". I'm a great believer that all physical action can be formulated as least action principles like in lagrangian and hamiltoniam formulation of classical mechanics. This was extended to Quantum and relativistic realms. The challenge is to find the functions (Actions) to be minimised (or maximised). It can be reduced to a minimisation problem by taking the recoprocal of the maximised quantity. The general topic is call the Principle of Least Action.
As to whether "Entropy Production of Atmospheric Heat Transport" is such an action to be maximised will be an interesting area to follow as it may well have an impact on GCM formulation.
quote:I can't see any centrifugal influence from Earth rotation in their math model. Can you?
That's possible because when dealing with least action your're dealing with an integrated function and it is only when you differentiate it that the physics you are used to appears.
I can't judge the validity in this case but I know from experience (many years ago) that it is so in lagrangian mechanics. In that the Action was L=T-V where T is kinetic energy and V is gravitational potential energy. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrangian_mechanics