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Reply to "More Empirical falsifications of Anthropic Global Warming"



You guys may be interested in this

This should be a better place for readers to download this .pdf file;
as it's the destination of the archive link.

Please pardon my extra link Geoman, as many ex-C4 posters are .pdf archive source challenged due to their exclusions from the old C4 web-site (this probably includes me).

I think that this is an excellent comment paper that outlines some of the failings of ignoring a full 'Earth model' when accounting for 'radiative balance' relative to Earth's climate.

The 'two shell model' of 'surface' and 'radiating atmosphere' for OLR (outgoing long-wave radiation) only emphasises the activity of latent convection in the absence of OLR's 'escape' from the Earth system (the main role of the atmospheric hydrocycle, and mass, to an altitude of somewhere above the mid tropo only increases providence for MEP (maximum entropy production) theory). The proverbial 33 degrees centigrade differential between the observed temp from space and the ave global near surface temp springs to mind!

I'm sure there is more to discuss on this. It really is a shame that Steve_M isn't here to add to our chatter.

A welcome introduction to the debate for my part (even if my math isn't fully up to speed).

Best regards, suricat.