High five SoM!
Which of the 10 myths can be refuted.... where is Steve_M?
Probably most of them.... And I think Steve_M is taking a sabbatical at "C A", but If I understand him, his curiosity will get the better of him, we'll hear from him soon. "Falsification" is too strong an attractant to keep him away (so is obsfuscation)! I've no doubt he's ogling this site for anything that 'piques' his interest (just like me).
With all due respect SoM, we've already been through these principles. How do you regard the MEP (maximum entropy production) principle? Here's a link to an important paper that describes this (basically) for climate cells.
I can't see any centrifugal influence from Earth rotation in their math model. Can you?
Best regards, suricat.