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Katia: I can't wait to kiss Jonas again

Charming, confident and chatty are three words we never thought we’d use to describe Celebrity Big Brother contestant Katia Ivanova.

But when we meet her in a West London hotel for our exclusive interview and photo shoot last Saturday, 21-year-old Kazakhstan-born artist Katia Ivanova, who rose to fame as Rolling Stone Ronnie Wood’s girlfriend, turns out to be just that.

Prettier in the flesh than she looked on Celebrity Big Brother, Katia, real name Ekaterina, speaks candidly about her time in the house – and tells us she’s completely smitten with Swedish singer Jonas Altberg, 25.

“I miss him so much,” she says excitedly. “I can’t wait to see him.”

Katia’s also quick to dismiss her relationship with model Dan Turner, 22, who she was dating when she went into the house on January 3.

“I feel stupid for going in there and saying I had a boyfriend because it wasn’t even like a long-term thing. We’d only been together two weeks,” she says.

Katia is also open about her fling with rocker Ronnie, who at 62, is 41 years older than her.

She says, “I spoke to Ronnie yesterday. He said he’d been watching and was proud of me, even though he wasn’t keen on me going in the Big Brother house.”

The only time Katia’s mood changes is when we ask about Ronnie’s ex-wife, Strictly Come Dancing star Jo Wood, 54.

“I don’t care if people say I stole her husband. I’m above it. Who gives a s**t. It’s in the past. F***ing get over it. I was 19.”

Here, Katia talks to new! about Ronnie, her relationship with Jonas and why a move to Sweden is not out of the question…

So, Katia, are you missing Jonas?
Loads. I miss him so much. Now that I’ve left I think, “Oh Jonas!” [Sighs]. I miss being around him all the time.

What about your boyfriend Dan – have you spoken to him?
No. I get the impression from friends that he doesn’t want anything to do with me. But I’m ok with that. I wouldn’t want to drag him into this world because it’s not his thing. Our relationship would never have worked anyway.

Would you like to date Jonas when he comes out of the Big Brother house?
Yes! I do want to see him again because it’ll be completely different if we’re in private. We could just lie there and talk about anything.

So could you see yourself being his girlfriend after he leaves the house?
Yes, and I think he would be really good for me because we are both doing our own thing and he’s not fazed by the whole fame thing.

Would you ever move to his home country Sweden if it got serious?
Never say never! But it’s too soon to say something like that. I miss him so much. I didn’t realise I’d miss him so quickly.

What attracted you to him?
He’s funny. He did crazy stuff. He didn’t care what people thought. And just the way he phrases things. His English cracks me up. I just find him really sweet.

If another girl went into the house and he got together with her, would you be jealous?
I’d be a bit hurt. Not jealous, but I’d be like, “Oh. You’re full of sh*t.”

Jonas seemed quite sexually frustrated in the house. Was that feeling mutual?
Yes. There was loads of sexual tension between us. I would have to say, “Get out!” when things got a bit too intimate! We needed to have a private party.

Did you see him naked?
Only the time he went in the garden, with his hand over his thing!

Were you worried that one hand could cover his entire man bits?
No – there was a bit hanging out! [laughs]

Was Jonas a good kisser?

After you left, he said you were one of the best kisser’s he’s ever had…
[Looks tearful] Oh! So is he missing me?

Yes! How did you feel when you heard Jonas cried after you left?
I felt really teary when Heidi told me that. I didn’t realise he liked me that much. I think if I meet him in the outside, I’ll feel the same. I miss him so much.

Could you see yourself falling for him?
Yes. I guess it’ll be a good test being apart and seeing how our feelings are for each other. It won’t be long until I see him – I can’t wait!

What have your family said about him?
My mum said [puts on a Kazakhstan accent], “Why did you do that? He’s such a nice boy! I got so angry when you break up with him! You shouldn’t have done that to Jonas. I wanted to smack you on the bum when you did that.”

Did Jonas ever talk about his girlfriend?
He mentioned her a little bit. He said he was seeing someone, but that they weren’t really serious. It wasn’t made into a big deal. I don’t think she really is his girlfriend.

At first you said Jonas wasn’t your type…
I don’t have a type I go for, but he’s not anything like what I’ve fancied before. I thought he’d be put off me because I’m quite scruffy. He takes care of his nails with manicures and pedicures. He wears foundation sometimes. I was like this scruffy thing lying next to him burping and farting and chewing my nails. I was just shocked that he likes me so much when I was so gross.

Did his farting put you off?

What about when he said he masturbated 25 times a day?
I don’t mind. It’s just a bit of fun.

Source: New magazine online:

Cold Sweat
Original Post