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It's Time to Play...New Design Contest for GaGa!

Hi everyone!

You may or may not know this, but this community is approaching its one-year anniversary of migrating to the "clouds" of LiveCloud.  We'd like to do something fun to celebrate, so I thought it would be cool to have a t-shirt design contest.  Here are the rules:

  • The design should be something that reflects the GaGaJoyJoy community
  • It must be something we can reproduce on a t-shirt
  • You can design using whatever medium you wish (Photoshop, pencil and paper...)
  • Please don't use any copyrighted works; any photos must belong to you or you must demonstrate permission to use them
  • Please no cursing or nudity...I'd like to be able to put the winning shirt in our Zazzle store

If you're up for the challenge, either email your submission to rosemary at socialstrata dot com or send by mail to our office address: 1904 Third Ave, Suite 525, Seattle WA 98101 USA.

Entries must be received by April 9, 2010.

We will pick the best five submissions and then you will be able to vote on the best one.  The winning design will be featured on a t-shirt that will be for sale in our Zazzle store, so everyone who wants can buy one.  The winner will receive eternal bragging rights and one free t-shirt.

Feel free to post any questions here.

Let the designing begin!
Rosemary O'Neill
Original Post