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Reply to "It's not very"

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

   W.T.H.!! Is that a real magazine Suzy?


I think it's a mock-up Rosie. I do enjoy a good neb at 'Take a break' and that kind of thing at the GPs though.


I'm nearly done with everything Christmassy now. I can't wait to see my mother-in-law's face light up when she sets eyes on her deluxe leopard skin shopper on wheels that I finally managed to pick up from East Street Market. She's going to be over the moon and can direct all her glee at the grandchildren because it's from them, I got her perfume  Last few things involve collecting a goose from Holland Park (my mother is insisting on Goose) and securing a couple of tickets to see Barry Humphries last tour...can't wait til it's over to be honest
