What happened to the closure of Guantanamo Bay?
Last year the 'red line' would not be over stepped without repercussions. Now it's happened, he's doing.......well nothing.
I don't quite buy him being 'neutered' by the other house, practically no other Democrat would ever have had any success; where would be the point in voting?
...and yes Tony Blair was a big disappointment as well, whereas Hitler turned out to be just as promised in 'Mein Kampf'.
We may like to think and believe that America is now a country at peace with it's self ,and that blacks enjoy a racially equal country, after all they elected a black president, so now the whole world can witness how far that country has come in the 50 years, since Martin Luther King made his 'I have a dream' speech.
And from that start they have come a very long way, but let's not believe that there is no segregation any more, segregation for many who ruled over other, lesser(?) people still have segregated minds.
I don't know if a policy put forward by the Obama administration would have fared any better with a different leader, but I also am not so sure that the idea that equality , equality in ever individual's mind, has opened minds enough to embrace a blackman making policy for white folks to live by.