@Dame_Ann_Average posted:Did you watch the trial? I do not give a flying ***if people like Johnny Depp or not, no one should be accused of something they haven't done out of malice and spite., He was accused of something with not one jot of evidence. In fact, her own recordings shows who was the violent one. She's a narcissistic liar, she really should be sitting in jail because she's perjured herself in 3 countries.
Countless witnesses came forward and refuted her evidence including 5 police offers, the penthouse manager, the caravan park manager, the caravan bar manager..all these 'rando's' as she calls them had no connection to Johnny Depp. She's still gaslighting him and always will until he takes a court order out on her, or takes her to court again. It was never about money, it was about him telling his side of the story.
She is pure evil.. Ask, her ex-wife who she smacked in an airport and was arrested and spent the night in jail. Although her ex-wife didn't press charges, she was actually seen doing it by a policewoman. , Ask her ex best friend who was shopping with her and suddenly got slapped in the face...or watch the videos of her sister showing her friends the bruises that Amber had inflicted on her...even try listening to the recordings where she admits hitting him, or the one in Australia when she admitted slicing off the end of his finger !
Blimey - no I didn't watch the trial. So is everything she said a lie? It just seemed to be all bad about her and all good about him despite some horrific texts he sent - is it ever that clear cut?