@Saint posted:https://www.loonyparty.com/proposals/policies-a-z/
FRIVOLOUS Fraud Office setup to inspect fraud too silly for the Serious Fraud Office.
VEHICLES will be fitted with bungy ropes in order to save fuel on the return journey.
X-RAY machines will be manned by a skeleton staff.
Don't mock the Monster Raving Loony Party.
They've had a greater, and certainly more positive, effect on British politics than many "serious" politicians around at the moment:
7 Monster Raving Loony Party policies which are now part of UK law
You might not think that the Official Monster Raving Loony Party has had much impact on British politics beyond livening up election coverage with their wacky hats
The fringe political party, established in 1983 by Screaming Lord Sutch, have consistently failed to win even a single parliamentary seat, so have never had a chance to implement brilliant policies like: "The constituency of ‘South Hams’ to be renamed ‘South Hams Egg And Chips’."
But a glance over their old manifestos reveal that a surprising number of their ‘loony’ ideas have become so mainstream that they’re now part of UK law!
1. 24-hour licensing laws
The party campaigned for all day opening of pubs in the 1980s, which became law in 1995. So at the 1997 elections they went a step loonier with a manifesto pledge for all-night opening too.
[24-hour drinking became legal in 2005.]
2. Lowering the voting age to 18
Back, in the ’60s, before the Monster Raving Loony Party existed in its current incarnation, founding Loony “Screaming” Lord Sutch stood as a candidate for his National Teenage Party – their key policy was lowering the voting age from 21 to 18.
[Votes for 18 year olds were introduced in 1969.]
3. Abolition of dog licences
It used to be technically mandatory for dog owners to hold a licence, although it was often ignored.
One of the first parties to campaign for their abolition was… the Monster Raving Loony Party!
[Dog licences were abolished in 1987. (Although there’s no word on whether the government will introduce the Poetic Licence the Loonies campaigned for in 2010.)]
4. The legalisation of commercial radio
Again another early policy of Loony predecessors the National Teenage Party: until Radio One started in 1967 there was nothing for kids on the BBC, so to hear pop music you had to tune into illegal pirate stations.
Lord Sutch was no stranger to the world of pirate radio – he had run his own station, Radio Sutch, from a fort in the Thames Estuary.
[The first commercial radio licences were issued in 1972.]
5. The pedestrianisation of Carnaby Street
Lord Sutch had heard from friends in Swinging London’s Carnaby Street that traders were finding the increasing congestion hard to deal with. He joined the campaign for pedestrianisation, along with follow political eccentric Bill Boaks, joint holder of the record for the lowest number of votes won in a by-election (5).
[The Greater London Council gave in and pedestrianised the street in 1973.]
6. Passports for pets
The party made a pledge in their 1983 manifesto to issue pets with passports so that they could travel abroad without lengthy stays in quarantine.
[Pet passports were introduced in October 2001.]
7. Abolition of the 11 plus exam
Another policy from the Loonies’ National Teenage Party incarnation, because it’s “the wrong age to take an exam that affects you for the rest of your life”.
[The 11 plus was abolished nationally in 1976. (Although kids do have to take it in counties that still have grammar schools.)]
7 Monster Raving Loony Party policies which are now part of UK law - Mirror Online