@Saint posted:@Eugene's Lair Why do you think I'm mocking them?
And I think they'd like a little bit of fun poked at them from time to time - it's all part of their 'fun' factor
Yeah, sorry Saint: I think my previous post came across as rather more serious and disapproving than I intended. I didn't mean to have a go, and I forgot you can't see my tongue in my cheek as I type: a few exclamation marks and smileys would probably have been in order.
You're quite right about the "fun factor" of the Monster Raving Loonies, and most of their policies are designed primarily to raise a laugh. I was really just looking for an excuse to draw attention to how - often unintentionally - some of their policies have actually led to genuine change. One I didn't mention was the legalisation of cannabis: now a Lib Dem policy of course, but originally proposed by the Monster Raving Loonies...