Me neitherquote:Originally posted by brisket:
I don`t think Freddie is gormless or arrogant or smug.
Also they are just messing around playing a tv game. Cuddles are fine.
It is many of the viewers who take it more seriously than the contestants.

Gormless? I can't imagine someone who is gormless, passing the panel in order to get into Cambridge University - arguably one of the best this country has to offer, along with Oxford.
Arrogant? I've never seen any evidence of that, and if anyone in there 'could' swagger around because of their Heritage - its him and he chooses not to.
Smug? Well all that he said was that we 'the public' have kept him in there on 5 separate occasions. That's not being smug, that's just pointing out the bleeding obvious

I think that some, may be 'projecting'