quote:Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
If Siavash had not opened up the competition by his non-voting, we could expect a very boring final few weeks. As it is, he has broken the predictability of Lisa's power base and the competition has been thrown wide open to fair play. By doing what he done, Siavash has taken the risk of (a) being ejected from the show for non-nomination or (b) being a possible evictee if they all go up. In my book, that is taking risks with winning the money, being heavily nominated nearer the final, and being greatly disliked by his fellow HMs. Obviously, Siavash thought the risks were worth taking, and he has the courage of his convictions with regard to a level playing field.
How is it fair play? Siavash is trying to a) stop him and Marcus going head to head because I bet you a zillion dollars he thought Marcus would've gone last week, not Freddie. If he goes up against Marcus he might lose and b) he knows he has a better chance of surviving if the whole House is up. So far he has got away with it but at what cost? At the cost of other HMs who have done nothing wrong (Hira) and who haven't been PROPERLY nominated for eviction either which isn't fair is it??? No wonder Rodrigo had a go at him for playing "God".
Siavash is an utter coward and instead of following the rules and facing the consequences of going which EVERYONE before him has done, he is changing them left, right and centre to stop himself from going up against someone popular. He is actually up his own @rse and getting wayyyyyy too cocky about this, something the public cannot stand. Look what happened to Freddie!