I'm liking him not nominating, to me it's show who is so desperate to stay and who isn't. I want Marcus in the final, but he protests too much me thinks. He said he wasn't going to nominate and he did, if he really wasn't bothered about going then he would have taken the risk, it's never bothered him rule breaking before. Dave, Charlie, Lisa and Rodrigo to some extent showed how desperate they want to stay in the house. I don't think he's a twat for breaking rules, but surely this statement should apply to Sophie too. The nominations have been a farce for years, it's been more evident this year than any.
I can also see Siavash's point about the block vote, they used Bea last week to get rid of either Freddie or Marcus, Bea's not changed at all, yet this week they are all nominating her because she served her purpose. I hope they all refuse next week, but that's some hope for Team Lisa, who will cling on to the door handle until the dying seconds.