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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Good morning Mollie & Baz.

Very quiet in here, hope you are both well, the dentist went ok, he put a bit of stuff on one of the teeth that had come off, i thought it had but was scared to go out over winter with all the viruses around, but he did it under guarantee.

I got a taxi there and got him to wait for me as checkup appointments are only for 10 minutes but i was 15 minutes early, but the journey there and the ewait and the return was only £16 but i always give a tip for them having a card reader so £20 was fine with me.

My choc chip muffins are so yummy, will be getting more packs as i only eat 1 a day.

I have paid for a PDCTV subscription £50 for the year to watch all the darts that isnt on UK tv, so yesterday and all weekend i can watch the matches in Belgium, so very happy about that.

Still havent got to open Ocado site on Firefox yet, going to try another way later, i have an idea that might work.
