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Reply to "has anyone seen the film lovely bones?"

Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Renton:

 drunkard LOL


It looked beautiful and i know it was subtlely done but twas unsatisfying

I thought her role wud be to lead her family to the truth - wot was her role - i couldn't see one

But they found the book?

Yes that was quite an exciting part, when her sister found the book, but i was expecting a bit more  reaction to the book, but that didn't happen. 


Also it was left open about the Parents reaction to who it was, after the Father had gone to all the trouble of realizing it was him as well, but helpless to proof it. Well i was left wanting more in these area's. 

That's where the book is much better.  There's a huge reaction in it when they figure out who the killer is and there's a whole 'I can't believe he's been on our street this whole time' kind of thing.  Also there were a few more things in the basement


Her role in the movie was a bit played down, in the book she's able to connect with them more.  As far as I remember she had a kind of 'mentor' in the in between world who showed her how to connect with people and she guided the sister towards the killer's house.  She was also able to connect with the friend who saw her soul run by.  I dunno why they left all that out.

