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Government to have INDEMNITY scheme to enable people to borrow up to 95% of the house value to enable people to buy a house.

And he is also massively encouraging housebuilders to build 100s of 1000s of extra homes for people to buy...


That's jolly decent of him, but how about building homes for people to be able to rent long term, at a reasonable, affordable rent?  Not EVERYONE wants to buy Mr Cameron... And not everyone is able to...  You should know that by the fact that there is almost FIVE MILLION people on the social housing list!


One young starry eyed couple on the news tonight, said that they are desperate to buy because their 'mortgage will be less than their current rent..'  Seems they aren't considering insurances like the gas contract  and insurances for bricks and mortar and unemployment insurance, and the 10s of 1000s that the repairs will cost, and that every last thing that goes wrong with their house is their responsibilty..


A shocking amount of people who excitedly bought on the 'right to buy' scheme in the 80s (and 90s,)  had not got a CLUE how much repairs and maintenance were going to cost, and that is why you see many of them on social housing estates that have been bought, on the right to buy, looking shabby....,and in a bad state of repair....


Plus, if they lose income and can no longer afford the mortgage and repairs, housing benefit does not pay the mortgage, and nobody does your repairs for you...  And the unemployment insurance company will pull everything out of their arse as an excuse to not pay the mortgage, and even if they do, it is only for a short time: 12 months probably.  So if your income drops dramatically, (ie: if you have a baby and go part time, or you lose your job or are lng term sick, you will probably lose your home...)


So David 'call me Dave' Cameron: how about providing some affordable social housing?  Because many people would like to rent a cheap long term social housing property, rather than buy a property!


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