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Well, as promised, I am giving you an update on Dali and her progress in the showring. She is really enjoying herself and has the true personality of a showoff!!  She has now added to her list of Championships having achieved her titles in Lithuania, Denmark, Malta and Luxemburg. My son is delighted with her and plans to hold on to her for quite some time!!

The wedding of another of my sons, in Marbella, was a fantastic affair and Bojangles, you are correct. . . . Dante was the star of the show. . . .after the Bride and Groom, of course.

He carried out his "ringbearing" duties as though he had been doing it all his life!!  We will have to wait for the official photographs to arrive before I can post any of him because the official photographer and the videographer were falling over themselves getting him on camera and because he is so tiny, no one else could manage to catch a shot of him!!

The Church was magnificent but had a very long aisle for him to walk down.  I would have found it very daunting but our little fellow took it all in his stride.  I let him off his lead when the priest asked for the rings and just told him to walk on.  He walked down the aisle, without faltering, and as soon as he saw my sons (two of my other sons were Best Man and Groomsman) he broke into a trot - went up the steps of the alter and sat between the Bride and Groom looking very pleased with himself.

Most of the people at the wedding knew and loved Remy and had she not had to leave us, she would have been the one bringing up the rings so as you can imagine, there were a lot of tears when Dante appeared.  I just know Remy would have been so proud of him - just as we all were.

Here are some photographs of the little tyke to keep you going.........


Images (7)
  • DSCF7305: Go away!!  It's mine!!
  • DSCF7309: This is his MA Service Dog Jacket.
  • DSCF7322: The things you make me do!!
  • DSCF7328: Hurry up!!  I need a nap.
  • DSCF7330: There are more roses out there!!
  • DSCF7334: This is MINE too!!