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I've just read this from the beginning again as I had internet problems and wasn't around for a while and it's made me cry both with sadness and happiness.  What a wonderful I hesitate to use the word story, but how else can you describe it?  Truly from heartbreak has come happiness.

Dante and Dali are beautiful ~ no other words for them.  Dali in a way reminds me of a tiny greyhound, the ears, and way she holds her head in some of the photos, I have a grey and they are the most lovely, loving dogs.

My dog is going on a PATS course next month (Pets as Therapy), she is so gentle and laid back although she is big, that she should be great at it, she's a kid magnet as it is, they love her and always want to make a fuss of her when she is being walked and next door's kids adore her, they stand for hours in their garden up the fence talking to and making a fuss of Roxy, that is when she is not asleep!!  Which is about 20 hours of the day!!  Will have to watch the "greyhound lean" though, anyone who has had a grey will know this, they lean against your legs and sometimes it is hard to keep your balance with them!!
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!