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I must apologise firstly for the quality of the photos - I am still trying to get used to this new computer and the software.

As you will see, Dante has matured a lot since the last photos and is quite the young man now.  He is wonderful and is working away like a veteran.  He has SO many of Remy's habits - it's amazing!!

He walks around, inside and outside, as though he owns the world, and yet he is the softest little fellow you could ever come across.

Now for the SURPRISE I promised you all!!

Dante has a special friend in his life - and it is not me!!  Meet DALI!!

Dali is a Chinese Crested (hairless).  She is six months old and she has come to live with us.  She is a little darling and Dante ADORES her!!

They both sleep in my bed, and they both follow me wherever I go.  I was amazed at how quickly Dante accepted her and now they are inseparable.


Images (4)
  • DANTE & DALI 017
  • DANTE & DALI 021
  • DANTE & DALI 022
  • DANTE & DALI 036