Good Grief!! Have I done something wrong?? You all know that I am not what you call computer literate!!
My electrical supply has been intermittent - to put it politely - due to the floods from the snow - and I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked out the window to see that it was snowing again!!!
Dante and I didn't make it to the park today because of the way the electricity was but we will be off there tomorrow for sure.
Because we were staying home today, I decided to see just how much intelligence Dante has for a puppy. I have to do this in order to report back to the association.
First of all, he had his breakfast, and then a run around the garden at HIS leisure. NO snow at this stage.
In he came and began playing with his new "mouse" that I got him. Remy LOVED her mouse, so I got Dante one. I will explain the "mouse" connection with the breed at a later time.
Then I decided to see if he had bonded with me - in that he was listening to me.
WOW!!! What a little star!! He knows his name, he knows what NO means, he asks to go out to potty.
So I stepped it up a gear. I dropped food (dog friendly, of course) onto the ground which he promptly gobbled up. I dropped kitchen utensils onto the floor which, initially gave him a fright, but he did the right thing in ignoring them.
Then I moved on to the BIG guns. I had reservations about doing this within myself - but by the same token, I had to know what he was capable of.
I dropped cheese, by "so called" accident onto the floor and just as Dante was going in to suss it out, I dropped my insulin case.
For such a young baby he ASTONISHED me!! ALL dogs LOVE cheese and Dante was just getting his smellers around the aroma when down came the case.
I was left speechless to see him immediately discard the cheese and go and pick up the case and bring it to me.
This little guy will be six months old next Tuesday!! Remy would be SO proud of him!!
Later in the afternoon, I again decided to "test" his attention span and whether he was, in fact "listening" to me.
I sat on the couch - with the TV on - Loose Women, I think, but don't hold me to that!!
Dante was pottering around very happily and then I called him. Just one name call and whoosh - there he was beside me.
I showed him what I wanted. Two exercises in one. Sit - and Leave.
I threw the "mouse" into the hall and he went helter skelter after it and YES - he brought it back to me. There he is STANDING there with a fluffy mouse in his mouth, looking at me!! I said Dante - SIT!! Low and behold he planted his bum on the floor in a milli second - still with mouse in mouth.
We had a little break then and had a play around and he had some grub. He always goes for a nap after food - just like a human baby.
When he woke up - he was rearing to go so, as I need to know as soon as possible, what he does know and what he needs to learn. I had NOT taken the shot I should have at lunchtime, so I needed to know if Dante would "pick" up on this.
He "asked" to be let out to the garden to do his business, he came back in, started sniffing the air (Remy never did this) and then came to me and started to scrape my feet!!!
This is WONDERFUL for such a youngster PLUS he has the ability to still be a puppy in every other way.
I would MUCH prefer Remy's way of alerting which was to SPIN around and then bat my chest. Dante's little nails really DO scratch - but it is fantastic to see such a young puppy doing a job that he was never trained to do and which comes naturally to him and hopefully, in time, we can mutually change the "alert" signal.
I am really proud of Dante. For one so young, he is showing exceptional promise.
Sorry for the late post - but I have no control of the "electrical" problems - BUT you should ALL be just as proud of this little Forum Dog as I am.
More tomorrow - and hopefully with some more photos.