I will hold up my hands and say when I first read the beginning of this thread, when little Remy went I had tears in my eyes and was very sad for you, but I had no idea how much love you can feel for a dog. Previously all my life I've had one pet, my cat ‘Muffin' she went 10 years ago aged 18 I thought I could never ever get another cat as the heartache of losing her was more than I thought possible. 18 days ago I got my little Yorkie, now I regret all the years I've missed out owning a dog. The pleasure of having him is so hard for me to try and explain, but you and all the other loving dog owners in the world will know what I mean.
Dante is the Forum dog, I look forward to all your posts telling us about his antics. He's also very handsome, but he would be with Remy as a relative. I'm so happy for you.

Welcome Home Dante