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AJ as a beany dog...  one of the kids donated it I think... though it was like new.   We'd read in the books that it would bring the puppy comfort if it smelled of us... so my daughter had it stowed in her dirty laundry basket for a fortnight before we picked him up!  (I dare not think what smells it picked up in there)...

Anyway...  "Sprocket" as the dog is called is his special toy.   Sprocket gets brought to bed every night.... Sprocket gets carried round the house by a whining AJ after he has had a particularly good meal... Sprocket gets groomed everyday....

Sprocket is more than a bit knackered now... his beans are long gone... and I have stitched him up so many times, he has a stitched nose, stitched eyes... but our dog loves him.

Sprocket was almost bigger than him when we got him...   
