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None of this would have been possible if it were not for the unbelievable help, support, encouragement and love from you all.

That is something I can never, ever repay, no matter how hard I try.

Yes, Dante will be living with me - but he also belongs to each and every one of you, in a very special way.

Losing my little Earth Angel was devastating for me, but she has worked very hard since she left me, to make sure that I was looked after.

It seems she had two missions to complete - One: to bring Dante into my life and Two: to bring special people into my life who care and understand.

She completed both both - and she can rest in peace knowing that she did a wonderful job.

I hope you are all as excited as I am about the arrival of Dante and I hope that I don't drive you all scatty and bore you to tears with his exploits and training as he grows.