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I have been back and forth all afternoon collecting faxes, signing them and sending them back.  It is now OFFICIAL!!!  Dante is coming to Ireland!!!

He begins his journey from Boston in the USA on Saturday and will arrive in England on Monday.

He will have to spend approximately two weeks there - until all the shots and blood tests are done and the results are back - then he can come home to me, all done and dusted.

I promise you will ALL get to see photos from the minute he arrives.

Deman - that poem is fantastic!!

The only reason I have come a long way, in such a short time, is because of all of you.  I never thought, for one moment, that all this could have happened and happened so quickly.

I told you that Remy was my little Earth Angel and I DO believe that she, somehow, played a part in all of this, but she has made it VERY clear that there are TWO legged Earth Angels on this forum to whom I will be eternally grateful.

I have shed a lot of tears today - some of them for knowing that Remy can now rest in peace and some of them for the excitement in knowing that in a matter of a couple of weeks, Dante will be here and taking over her mantle and I will have someone to love, cuddle and cherish.

Thank you all SO much for everything.