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I am SO sorry everyone.  One of my sons tried to log in as me - but it wouldn't let him post.

Firstly, Jen - you have my heartfelt sympathy.

It is 03.45 here and I have just been returned home. by ambulance and a long walk on a chair stretcher, after things went pear shaped with the control of my diabetes.

I did everything I was supposed to do - to no avail.  Had my beloved Re,y been here, this would not have happened.

They wanted to keep me in hospital - but, under the circumstances, there was NO way I could agree, so I asked to be sent home.

I am very groggy and have been provided with a load of syringes to use in various situations.  Coming back in the door was the worst feeling ever - as there was no Remy.  Normally, Remy would have been with me if I had needed to go to hospital.

I am not going to stay on for too long as I don't know if all this even makes sense.

I haven't been able to stop crying since I got home.  Even the nurses and Doctors were asking where Remy was - and they were all visably upset when I told them what happened.

Please excuse spelling and grammar mistakes.  It was a priority to let you all know what happened.   I didn't want you to think I had done something stupid - though right this minute, |I wish I had - then I would be together with Remy.
