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I think I have managed to confuse some people about this puppy so I will try to rectify that now.

A friend in the US actually tracked down this puppy and it turns out that he is related to Remy on his mother's side.

The breeder and owner of the puppy has offered this puppy to me free of charge.

My friend, who sourced the puppy, contacted the ASPCA, who in turn, contacted the ISPCA and between them, and my son, they are paying the cost of the flights to get the puppy to Ireland.

All they have asked me to do is to look after this puppy for it's lifetime and to pay £500.00 towards the cost of this puppy getting the required shots and blood tests for the issue of his Pet Passport.

The Pet Passport is a must have for a medical alert dog as it permits the dog to go everywhere with  me, without restriction.

That £500 is a drop in the ocean compared with what it is costing to fly the dog here  -  but is a huge amount for me to raise on my disability pension.  If I accept this offer, I have to send a cashier's cheque on Thursday next and then everything will be put into action.

If I don't manage to get the money together, then the puppy will be offered to another person in need of a MA dog.

I think that sorts out any confusion I have caused with my waffling.

I want to thank the two forum members (you know who you are) who have contacted me and offered to send me money towards the cost I have to pay.  This has overwhelmed me totally and goes way beyond friendship and concern.

Everyone's support and friendship on here has been SO wonderful.  I don't know how I would have managed without you all.  I really hope everyone on the forum will accept my sincere and heartfelt thanks for all you have done.

I will keep you posted on how things are going.