We were dealt a bitter pill two years ago - we lost our old timer and six weeks later the youngster died suddenly while in the vets care - we had the youngster who was just 6 when he died so that we would never be in such a lonely position again when anything happened to the older one

they were both black labs - the young one wasnt actually ours - he was on long term care for a neighbour who because of illness couldnt look after him - he visited her very frequently though - imagine my sorrow at having to go and tell her what had happened to him - I cant begin to explain what this did to the family unit and me in particular being home alone all day losing both so quick together - but in the meantime our only remaining cat turned over a new leaf - she took over where the dogs had been - she guards us all in different ways - she sees us all to bed and the list goes on

she is such a changed character as she didnt like the dogs - we have decided not to have another one till we no longer have her around
rightfully or wrongfully that is our decision but no matter who visits the subject of dogs comes up and lengthy debates and chastising that we need one where we live etc etc etc *sighs* one day we will but not at the moment