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the way it was with my parents was that they needed to fill the physical hole, not the emotional one (as I agreed it would have been wrong to try to replace Wills).    their house was like a mausoleum, the place screamed of aching emptiness.   I felt they needed another dog to fill that, to allow them to grieve emotionally, alongside the new dog.   

It did work, much much better than I had hoped.  The day we got chuffley made me understand the meaning of bittersweet...   proper smiles at the same time as the tears.  weird feeling.

Edited to add:  the discussions that led up to us getting Chuffley were harsh.   My mum felt I didn't  understand, I was being cold, insensitive, unfeeling.  At any other time I would have backed off... but I kept on... and it was a really really hard thing to do.    the day they got chuffley my mum gave me a hug and said "thank you, you were right, I didn't see it then.  Sorry for the things I said, you were right, thank you for persevering"