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Dear Annoca, having read further of your bond with Remy I totally understand what you're going through - not that I didn't associate before because I totally did having lost so many very much loved pets...I'm involved with cat rescue and have taken in many sick cats with Leukemia and Aids that I gave the best life to them that I could before they had to pass, but I still grieve for their loss of physical presence in my life but I try to console myself that they are happier and pain free now.

Despite the heartache I've been through I still take in those that are sick or homeless and unloved. I know for sure a 100% without needing anyone else's opinion that the kitties who've passed over have sent others to me to take care of because no one else will. I feel Remy will also send you the one you need, maybe not right now, but in the near future. xxxx
Yellow Rose