Ditty - THANK you!!!
I think Wilson and Remy were on the same wave length - hence the arrival of Chuffley.
I always chatted away to Remy - all day, every day - right up to today and she would "chat" back to me. However, if I ever mentioned something she DISAGREED with - she would let me know in no uncertain terms!!!
I know and understand that there are people who cannot understand this for whatever reason.
Medical Alert dogs all differ in the way they alert their people and it is the people who are trained to recognise the "alert" behaviour of the dog and not the other way round.
Remy's alert was to spin in circles and then jump up and "bat" my chest. She was 10lbs in body weight
If she disagreed with something in my "chatter" to her, she would inhale, snort and sneeze at me!! She was SO adament - it was unbelievable - but true.
I know I am going on and on about my little angel - but to be totally honest - I cannot bear to go to bed as she was always there, waiting to give me that kiss.
Only true animal lovers will understand this - and those of you who have had the likes of Remy in your lives - even more so.
I am going to be COMPLETELY open and honest with you all now - and yes - it is because I am grieving Remy's loss but also to give others hope.
I was lucky to have a "stand in" dog to alert me before Remy came into my life. I suffer from a severe form of diabetes and despite doing everything "by the book" can sometimes experience hypos - hypers etc.
During the time I has this temperory dog, I received a phonecall from a friend in England telling me about a little dog that was being abused
I was very depressed during this time and told my friend that I didn;t want to know - THREE times. I have to explain here that I am an International Judge of pedigree dogs (second generation) and my ACTUAL work was with sick, injured and abused animals.
Then along came this waif - pedigree I might add - looking like NOTHING on Earth!!
On the fourth attempt, I agreed, reluctantly to take this dog from England and to try and get it a good home. I went to Holyhead and collected this little waif and came back on the next ferry. I took her home and because she was smelling so badly, I put her in the bath at home and gave her a shampoo and condition. From what appeared to have been a dark brown "mutt" turned into the most wonderful, shiney jet black Petit Brabancon. I have no need to explain that this particular puppy was authorised to go to my home as a companion dog.
She was so sweet, I couldn't put her into the adoption kennels in the SPCA where I worked, so decided instead that she would stay with me as a pet. I insisted even further that she would go into "assessment" for Medical Alert Dogs.
That was the day my little Earth Angel was born.