waffle all you want.... if it helps
I agree with what Tequila said.... the bit about Remy 'sending' the right dog to you. It happened with my parents dog. Obviously not a service dog... but when their beloved Wilson was in his last few weeks of live (he was under a year old.. but had an aggresive tumour on his nose... he had breathed a new lease of life into my parents, and though not with us for long, no dog was loved more) I was sat out in the garden with him (I went up to see him every day from the diagnosis, til the day we had to take him for his last visit to the vets)... I talked to him and said I would look after mum & dad... and that I would try to get them to get another dog... so that their life could continue to be what he had made it... he just sat there side by side with me... and put his paw on me knee. Twas very out of character for him. Was a spooky... but memorable moment.
After a very very hard month with my parents following his passing I eventually found them another pup. My mum had insisted it was another cairn.... and we found Chuffley (I hasten to add.. they named him, not me)... Cairns are not lap dogs... but this one was. Chuffley was heaven (or Wilson) sent... he was exactly what they needed to help them get over any feelings of betrayal, and to allow them to grieve, but also to fall in love again too.
I know to some this is all pie in the sky... but was as spiritual as I have ever been.
I still talk to Wilson... I loved him like my own, and his passing hurt me like nothing ever has.
I try to rationalise his very short life, by telling myself he came to the right people... and it was how it was meant to be.
It sounds to me like it was like that for Remy & you also. You were meant for each other ....
I love all our dogs passed.... but Wilson was the one that made me feel there was a bigger picture going on.... your Remy is another.