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I can never thank you ALL for the wonderful support you have given me.  Without my sons AND Remy, it is very difficult - and you all have been there for me - and that is something I will never forget.

I know that some of you don't know the "details" of my life with Remy - and I am happy to share with you if you want - but just to let you all know - the dog that I will get tomorrow (I have just looked at the time - so therefore, later today) will "look after" me but we are both "trained" to know that this is just a temperary thing.

We will not bond - as this is not what the "Stand-in" dog is for - or wants.

This dog will stay with me until another dog "presents" itself to me as a life long, bonded soul.  It has to work both ways - or it doesn't work at all.

I know I am waffling on - but to be truthful - I am dreading going to bed, because Remy was always there with a goodnight kiss and a reassurance that all was well.