Christopher Hall is seen going ‘bonkers’ on tonight’s Big Brother 2014.
After more bickering with Mark, Christopher is in the kitchen on his own bobbing for spoons in soapy water in the sink.
The Housemates can see him from the garden and Ash says: “Christopher’s off his f**king rocker, he’s been off his head for nine weeks.”
Helen agrees: “He’s not a full shilling sometimes.”
Later, Pav and Christopher have a rapping session in the shower together. The other Housemates look on from the garden. Ashleigh says it’s the best entertainment they’ve had all night.
Winston adds: “Christopher is like Westwood.”
Marks quips: “Yeah, Westwood on a bad come down.”
Christopher goes to the Diary Room and says that he doesn’t think that anyone appreciates his “Celtic hardcore happy beats”.
He is going to write some more raps for the Housemates and has written one line about Mark is: “Mark’s favourite dish is curry surprise; he doesn’t like it when people tell lies.’” Christopher says that he knows that Mark finds his clumsiness and hysteria a turn on.
But the other Housemates talk about Christopher’s state of mind. Mark asks is anything thinks that Christopher will get his ‘plot’ back and Helen says: “Nah, that ship has sailed.” Mark goes further and says: “That ship’s f**king sank.”
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