@Baz posted:Afternoon Darnies
What a day ! My fence guys are due to come this weekend , and they want to be paid by cheque or cash. Seeing as I’ve not written a cheque in years, and I couldn't really afford a taxi to town and back, I decided to walk to the nearest cash point ….which is at a local supermarket . I don’t really like using cashpoints, but needs must ! While I was there I somehow managed to cut my finger , so I went into the store to ask for a tissue…luckily they know me ! .
In addition I bought some postage stamps , and a couple of other items ….then I beat a quick retreat for home to get a plaster for my finger .
When I got home , and had * rendered first aid*
I checked my bank balance , and noticed two debits for the same amount ….and because my head was all over the place , I presumed they were linked to the purchases I had just made , but they weren’t the right amount ! I panicked , and rang the shop immediately , explained the situation and asked if they could check it . A lovely young lad went away to find the receipt for my purchases …..but while he was away it suddenly dawned on me that the debits were actually not for that shop , and were actually for two gift cards I had bought elsewhere yesterday ! Talk about feeling a fool !
I will have to go in and apologise to them tomorrow ….think I’ll play the old lady card !
Aside from that my day has been uneventful!
I have done the usual obligatory two loads of washing , dusted and fed the wildlife . I hope everyone else is having a less stressful day than I am !
What a day you have had 😮😮🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰