A really good friend of mine caught her son under age drinking,she found out where they'd got the booze from,was an off licence attached to a local bar.Next day,Sunday,she got him up,he was hungover,made him get showered and dressed and off she went.Took him into the bar,ordered a drink for herself and a pint of lager for her son who was sat mortified on a stool beside her at the bar.,the barman looked at her son and told her he couldn't serve him alcohol he was obviously under-age and it was against licensing laws.Just the answer she needed,she asked to speak to the manager,he came and again she ordered a drink for her and her son,he too refused.She then told him her son was as under-age today as what he was last night when they saw fit to serve him a carry out in the off licence if it was ok then it's ok now.The manager knew he was goosed ,cue all sorts of assurances it would never happen again all sorts of apologies etc.She got a standing ovation for her from other patrons in the bar.