I was kinda laughing at the payback until he got a gun out..
he better make sure he locks it up well and good cos kids over there seem to like to shoot people that piss them off and having a gun around a house with pee'd off people doesn't seem to be a good idea to me..
He's also metaphorically shot himself in the asss too cos you just know he'll fork out for another laptop once he's calmed down a bit..
Possibly, but it might just have been an empty case. For the purposes of emphasizing a point.
He does appear to work in IT, so he could possibly pick up an empty case no bother.
in which case why is he forking out $130 on software then?
anyways I just added that paragraph as a laugh without thinking was it a fake lappy etc.. was a throw away jokey thing at the end of my post. .
*goes away to learn how to be funnier so peeps will laugh instead*