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Reply to "Clares Law"

They've just interviewed her father on bbc breakfast.... 


I think the poor bloke is grieving & clutching at straws to try & make some sense of his daughters death.   He said he took an instant dislike to the bloke, & warned his daughter off him, but she didn't take his warnings on board.


However, this proposal is not the answer, I think its impractical, and it wouldn't have stopped his daughter meeting this bloke (even if it had been in place I don't think she would have crc'd him...   I doubt many people would crc someone they had met, whether online or not).   And, sadly, love can be blind.   I know plenty of girls that go out with blokes they know have been violent to previous partners...   they tell themselves they wouldn't behave that way towards them.


I think if any changes to legislation should be considered as a result of this tragedy it should perhaps begin with an thorough review of the laws & available resources regarding domestic violence & stalking,  


In terms of establishing someones background that you have met online, a google search can be very useful.   And then a massive dose of common sense & putting safety measures in place when then meeting them.     I've met quite a few blokes that I met online (prior to meeting & marrying MrD),  and I always had a set up where by I would have to phone in to a friend at certain times, secret "panic" words to say if I was in trouble, planned steps for that friend to take if I failed to call in, ensuring that friend had all the information I had.


Once though I was actually background checked prior to meeting a bloke, cos he was in the Army based in Ireland.    I had to be security cleared before I was allowed to go & visit him over there.
