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Reply to "Big Brother 2014 Highlights thread 9pm Monday 9th June - with 'The Live Surprise' 10 - 10:30 and BotS 11:30 - 00:30"

Who nominated

· Danielle is the first to nominate “false” Matthew and “crude” Steven

· Matthew nominates Danielle who “caused a divide in the House” and Jale, “who could stir things up… could blow up soon”

· Toya nominates Marlon who is “trying too hard and he had his hands down his pants this morning which is so disgusting” and Christopher who “was very quick to voice his opinion”

· Christopher nominates Danielle for “sitting on the edge of the group…afraid to get involved” and Matthew who he thinks has “categorised us and simplified us too much…and workout his place in the House and how he can dominate the other Housemates to get as far as he can in the game.”

· Helen nominates Jale because “she’s a bit jealous about how everyone loves Pauline” and Ashleigh who she describes as being “reserved and doesn’t have much to say”

· Marlon nominates Toya because she’s “not interested in my background” and Mark who is “quite demanding”

· Kimberly nominates Tamara because she’s “not a very approachable person…can come across really, really rude” and Ash because of his “arrogant mindset”

· Chris nominates Tamara because “she’s living in her own head…not engaging” and Winston who is “constantly checking the mirrors…too self conscious”

· Mark nominates Kimberly who he says “can be a bit dismissive” and Jale who took too much chicken at lunch and is “looking out for number one”

· Tamara nominates “rude” Jale and Kimberly who “rolled her eyes…a little bit snooty”

· Winston nominates Marlon and “miserable” Danielle

· Ash nominates Danielle because she “hasn’t put the effort in to make friends” and Ashleigh who “doesn’t have a drink and goes to bed early”

· Jale nominates Steven for “not being real” and Tamara who only “comes up to me when they’ve got no one else to talk to”

· Ashleigh nominates Tamara who “doesn’t really care what I’m doing or how I am” and Winston who she finds it quite hard to talk to

· Steven nominates Jale because “if she’s crossed she doesn’t react well” and Chris because of what he said in his VT
